USACIMT Human Research Protection Program

The United States Army Center for Initial Military Training (USACIMT) organization was created by an act of Congress on September 24, 2009, under the United States Army Training & Doctrine Command (TRADOC).  Located at Fort Eustis in Newport News, Virginia, USACIMT was created as a separate, stand-alone organization to maintain senior-level oversight of training related issues.

USACIMT is the official command component responsible for the Army’s Initial Military Training (IMT), which is commonly referred to as Basic Combat Training or BCT for enlisted soldiers.   USACIMT develops policies to improve and standardize training for BCT, Advanced Individual Training (AIT), One Station Unit Training (OSUT), the second phase of the Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC), and Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC).   The USACIMT is responsible for transforming about 150,000 civilian volunteers into Soldiers and Officers annually.

As the nation’s premier Center for transforming civilian volunteers into Soldiers and Officers, USACIMT assets are often sought out to participate in human subjects research (HSR).  The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is the principal advisor to the Command for human subjects protection, and ensures that HSR conducted, contracted, sponsored, supported, assisted and/or managed by USACIMT is executed in accordance with all applicable Federal, DoD, Army, and USACIMT regulatory requirements. The USACIMT HRPP strives to ensure the highest level of ethical practice in all facets of research activity.   To that end, USACIMT fully subscribes to the three principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice, as outlined in the 1979 National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research known as the Belmont Report.

The USACIMT HRPP works to:
-Promote ethical research practice by being a partner in all stages of the research development and reporting process.
-Advocate ethical research that is open to collaboration across and among DoD departments and institutions.
-Support a culture of ethical practice that includes ongoing education and training for researchers and staff.
-Ensure regulatory compliance with professional and ethical treatment of human subjects when providing support for, oversight of, and/or engaged in, research.

Per TRADOC Regulation 350-6, CG, USACIMT approval is required in order to access IMT personnel for recruitment as volunteers for research studies, program evaluations, questionnaires, focus groups, and any effort involving information collection from, and/or observation of, IMT personnel.   If you seek access to IMT personnel (i.e. BCT, AIT, OSUT Trainees/Students, AIT Instructors, Drill Sergeants, BOLC Candidates, and other IMT cadre), you will be required to complete the USACIMT Project Feasibility Review and Assessment form and submit your completed form and supporting documents to the Human Protections Administrator (HPA).   Once the HPA receives your completed USACIMT Project Feasibility Review form and supporting documents, an initial feasibility review will be conducted to determine:
1.  if the proposed effort is unique/could offer new and potentially actionable insight;
2.  if the proposed effort will adversely impact the training mission, given personnel, resource, and time requirements
3.  if the research product could potentially benefit the Army,
4.  if the proposed effort will interfere with other on-going or approved efforts;
5.  if the proposed efforts can be accomplished using assets other than those belonging to USACIMT (e.g., civilian student populations and/or other Army assets).

If the CG, USACIMT agrees to support your effort, the next step is determining the regulatory category.  If you are from an organization with a DoD Assurance, USACIMT may accept their regulatory determination.


1.   Why is CG, USACIMT approval required to access IMT populations for recruitment as volunteers?    The CG of TRADOC has assigned USACIMT responsibility and authority over all initial military training in the Army.   As such, the CG, USACIMT is dual hatted as TRADOCs DCG for initial military training.  In accordance with TRADOC Regulations 10-5, 10-5-8, 350-6, 350-16 and 350-36, proponency for policy over all initial military training, and to develop plans and programs to accomplish the IMT mission, fall under CIMT’s purview.

2.  What if my project will be used as a basis for completion of an academic degree (student research)?   Student research requires a type of administrative review to be performed to ensure compliance with regulations and policies applicable to Department of Defense (DOD) supported and assisted HSR activities.  The HPA at CIMT will conduct this review.

3.  What if my project involves a questionnaire/survey?  If your activity includes an information collection (i.e., written verbal reports, applications or forms, schedules, surveys including focus groups, questionnaires, reporting, or recordkeeping requirements in any format and collected through any media) IAW AR 25-98, DoDI 1100.13, and DoDI 8910.10, review of the activity by the U.S. Army Records Management and Declassification Agency (RMDA), Records Management Division (RMD), Information Collections Branch may be required.   This is a separate review from CIMT review.   To initiate the information collection review, contact the Army Information Management Control Officer (IMCO).   RMDA Army Survey Request - Formal   RMDA Army Survey Request - Exempt

4.  Does USACIMT require training?    Yes.   As the Principal Investigator, you and your research team will be required to complete human subjects protection training through the CITI Program (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative), and provide the HPA with a copy of your certificate.

5.  Do I need command support in order to conduct my study?    Yes.  CIMT will require a letter of support from the Commander of the unit who is being asked/tasked to support your study.

6.   What if my protocol has not yet been finalized and/or my study does not yet have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval or regulatory determination?   You may forward the draft protocol to the HPA as part of your submission packet.    However, USACIMT approval is contingent upon receipt of an IRB approved protocol and an IRB approval notification or regulatory determination.

7.  If my activity is not research do I still need CG, USACIMT approval?    Yes, regardless of the research determination, access to IMT personnel will require CG, USACIMT approval.   If you are from an organization with a DoD Assurance, USACIMT may accept their regulatory determination.

Human Protection Administrator

Exempt Determination Official


For technical website assistance, questions about CIMT or the content on this site contact the CIMT Public Affairs Office (PAO)